25 December 2023 14:15
I was recently in NYC due to a family emergency. I had just placed a refill at my local Walgreens here in Phoenix. I was assured by Walgreens that I could pick up my prescription (blood pressure medication) in NYC. When I attempted to do so at the DR on Amsterdam, I was given inaccurate info and basically treated with disrespect and lack of any type of help. After first refusing to fill my prescription, I was told they would fill it but I would have to wait. Luckily, they had chairs as it took over an hour. I finally was able to get the medication when one of the lead pharmacists inquired as to why I was waiting so long. Even then I received a partial dosage and had to return 4 days later for the remainder. A similar situation happened with another prescription that the Amsterdam DR continued to fill incorrectly (shampoo vs.cream). I eventually gave up. My main concern is the rudeness and disrespect on the part of the pharmacy staff. Because I had to wait so long for my prescription, I observed the treatment of many customers. It was very disheartening. The staff rarely made eye contact, seemed to "care less" about helping, and never thanked the customer. I feel bad for DR customers that have to put up with this on a routine basis. At least I live in Phoenix where the service and attention to detail is much better.
26 June 2023 13:38
Stop calling people and asking them to call back when your phone system is so convoluted it takes forever to reach anyone to talk to!
30 May 2023 0:21
I come here almost daily and am shocked at what the employees have to encounter on a daily basis- violence, theft and most commonly rudeness. Surprisingly though, this location has a large number of long-time, kind, hard-working employees.
13 April 2023 13:40
Why did I spend 45 mins on hold with the pharmacy, just for the automated message to disconnect my call before speaking with anyone?
29 March 2023 2:24
There are a few places in New York City that make a special effort to instill a feeling of hopelessness and despair in everyone who enters or even passes by. This is the one in my neighborhood.
16 March 2023 0:04
Unlike the other reviewers, I have found the pharmacy staff in person to be unfailingly polite, and the lines not too bad. However, they are taking forever to fill prescriptions, telling me a prior authorization is required when it is not, and other similar stuff.
14 March 2023 0:19
I recently had a frustrating experience at the pharmacy department at Duane Reade and was deeply disappointed with the customer service I received. The staff was incredibly rude and made me feel like my needs were not important to them.

The lack of care and attention I received from the pharmacy staff was unacceptable, and I was very disappointed with the level of customer service I received. I would not recommend Duane Reade to anyone looking for a positive and efficient experience. The rude and slow service in the pharmacy department makes it a very unpleasant place to do business.
24 February 2023 1:46
Terrible store and terrible company. The store NEVER picks up the phone and if you call the company, all they do is tell you to call the story. Even my insurance company tried to come through. They are the worst.
22 January 2023 20:55
The worst. On hold to refill a scrip for over an hour. Had the countdown (3 calls ahead of you, 2 calls ahead of you, etc) and finally was next. For 30 minutes. No one picks up the phone. Completely unprofessional staff as well. Go to CVS.
17 January 2023 12:44
This Duane Reade pharmacy is horrible. They do not fill prescriptions in a timely manner and the people are incredibly rude (heavy sighs, eye rolls) at the counter. Calling ahead to see if it's done doesn't help because they literally sit on prescriptions until you show up and make them fill them. Further, the pharmacy randomly closes for days and days, and they hold prescriptions hostage because you can't get them filled elsewhere while they are "working on it. " I have seen elderly people in tears over blood pressure medications or worse. Go to the CVS at 77 / Broadway. It's not much better, but slightly.
14 January 2023 14:03
Overworked Pharmacists = presecriptions not ready on time = constant conflict with customers. Most customers are simply trying to pick up their prescriptions which they were told would be ready many hours earlier. Staff are not sympathetic.

We moved to 79th Street Pharmacy across the road. Friendly and reliable.
09 January 2023 6:22
Really rude employees. They all act like they are doing you a huge unpleasant favor by doing their job.
08 January 2023 23:53
Find another place. Had a 3: 45 appointment for covid shot. Closed, said we called you. Second time this has happened. Going to move to a CVS. This is my first review anywhere ever.
06 January 2023 4:13
This is the worst pharmacy experience I have ever had. My prescription was placed on Monday. I called on Wednesday for a status update and waited over an hour before someone answered and the call dropped. I called again on Thursday, waited over an hour, and was told my prescription would be ready on Friday at 3pm. It was not, so I called Friday night and waited for an hour and 20 minutes until the pharmacy closed. It is currently Saturday and my prescription is still "in progress. " This is unacceptable. I will never trust this location with my prescription ever again. Imagine if you had a life-saving prescription waiting here.
05 January 2023 3:58
Absolutely the worst! Unreliable hours with no forewarning because one of two of their pharmacists call in sick. This is constant. Shame on Walgreens!
02 January 2023 11:38
This Duane Reade is an absolute disaster, especially the pharmacy dept. I've never been to a slower pharmacy with ruder people in my life. Will be only using mom and pop pharmacies from now on.
25 December 2022 4:20
My Favorite place for Redbull and Snapple Ice Tea. Nothing but The Best Nice People Good Staff.
04 December 2022 16:31
03 December 2022 20:26
I wish I could give this toxic pharmacy 0 stars. The pharmacy department is the WORST I have ever encountered. THE…WORST! They are unbelievably rude, condescending and angry. Go ANYWHERE else.
19 November 2022 18:23
Quite possibly the worst pharmacy I have ever encountered. They never answer the phone, consistently fail to fill prescriptions in a timely manner and don’t even open the pharmacy on time. Shameful.
08 February 2022 6:51
Had back surgery and called to check on my prescription. Call four times, was hung up on three, waited on hold for 40 minutes before limping up to the store in person. Naturally when I got there, there was a problem with the prescription. This is what happens when stores think human jobs can all be outsourced to automated systems. It also doesn't help when the humans ignore calls and dodge their jobs as customer service.

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