06 November 2023 7:09
This worked at first and I was extremely satisfied. Around 18 month I sleep trained using this program it was easy and concise. Then my kid hit 2 years and a hard regression came. They promise help with sleep until 4years but when I contacted them they said just go through the steps again starting at 6. This DID NOT work this time around and I'm back to co-sleeping with my needy toddler as a pregnant mom due in 2 months. Needless to say I'm requesting a refund.
26 October 2023 8:22
If you are losing sleep over your little ones not sleeping through the night or any sleep/nap related issues, don’t spare a minute and just sign up for the sleep school (I waited couple months before doing so as I was hesitant, too), but Batelle team is the absolute best out there. Not only that your little one will sleep through the night but also you will learn so much during the school to help you to better respond to your child’s objections and tantrums. My husband and I both agree that this is one of the best $$$ we’ve spent.

Thank you Batelle team!
21 May 2023 19:44
When I found Batelle my son was a year old and would not sleep unless he was being held. Not even for naps, as soon as we put him down instantly he was awake. My callar bone was out of alignment from sleeping and holding him, I was sleep deprived and things were not getting any better and I did not see any relief in sight. 1 week after starting Batelle he was sleeping in his own bed, after the second week he was falling asleep on his own and sleeping through the night. It has been over two years. We have moved and Kamryn had RSV so we had a little regression Batelle was right there for us to give us the support we needed. I reached out because Kamryn has grown significantly and we needed a new hug they were awesome with providing the support for us to get a new one and helped us with the sizing. I still recommend Batelle to everyone it was definitely worth every penny spent.
08 May 2023 23:59
The most amazing sleep system ever! My 5th baby wouldn’t sleep, and this helped me help her, and gave us all the support we needed. With additional help up to age 5, plus an amazing custom sleep toolbox, I couldn’t think of a better sleep solution on the market.
Thank you, Batelle. Some of the best money I’ve ever spent!
06 May 2023 1:39
We used Batelle sleep school virtually (from California) during the pandemic for our 1 year old. He's almost 3 and his sleep is night and day better and different from our older children. The Hug bedsheet and their other techniques for a distinct routine meant we could achieve a cry free transition to independent sleeping. At the time it seemed like a big investment, but as all parents know, sleep is priceless.
02 May 2023 23:36
I am so happy I chose Batelle. My almost 17 months daughter is now sleeping thru the night in her crib. I gave birth at home and since the day I held her in my arm she almost never left by my side. We co slept and especially after one year old she became very heavy on night feeding (to the point where she needed to nurse every hour) also every hour during the day and always fed to sleep. It was very very hard to break the habit. 

We first looked into other sleep training and had a call and worked with “Sleep Sense” consultant for few days leaning about their method. From the first call I knew it wasn’t for us. It was so opposite from everything I believed in. The style was very masculine and even the consultant was disempowering me and shaming me. Made me feel like a bad mom. How my daughter should be sleeping thru the night at this age and what I’m doing was not healthy etc… plus their way was the only way the baby will sleep thru the night and make you feel like you have no power but follow and listen to this sleep coach. Cuz it’s not empowering education to the parents we just follow them on the days of “crying it out nights” happens. They won’t share too much before the day. (Their Online course was better but nothing special but make you think their way is the only way) it’s set up like they have the power and control over vulnerable sleep deprivation mom. At the end, I, of course didn’t do their cry it out method. My gut was telling me there must be a better way. But it stressed me out so much and we wasted so much money on them. 

But I found Batelle soon after and from the first free consultation to the end of our journey. They didn’t not disappoint but kept exceeding my expectations. The material on the app was so educational and it just make sense. (I’m like this is what it supposed to be) I can’t believe the old cry it out method is still out there. Batelle method is super gentle approach and very effective. More feminine and nurturing for the baby! Reading the materials and watching the video the night before with my husband together was also very nice to reconnect with my husband. 

The support was so amazing. Very empowering and supportive. They responded me anytime and right away even at 3,4am. I had so much emotional support. The journey did take 2-3 weeks but made everything so much easier and enjoyable. I highly recommend Batelle and I am so grateful. 

I also feel very empowered as a mom to make the right decision for my daughter and know that I used my instinct every night for my daughter’s emotion, condition and also the sleep environment (some nights were cold and hot I was able to support my daughter as needed, never left her alone by ignoring til the morning)
Now: With Batelle we were able to naturally wean her from nursing every hour all day to now ONLY 3 times a day (morning, before nap and 30-40mins before bed time) She love her room and bed time routine. When she is sleepy she said night night and points to her room wanting to go to her room. She doesn’t mind going inside her crib too. When I turn off the light and she lay down I stay close to her crib until she falls a sleep but usually takes 5-30mins max without crying she self sooth by singing, talking and playing laying down by herself and falls to sleep. 
Then I leave her room and my husband and I sleep in the master bedroom with the camera. I hear her turn and toss but she sleep thru the night until 5am around this time she wakes up and calls me so I go into her room and I tap her back and body brush her body and she falls back to sleep until 7am then she wakes up happy and wanted to come out from the crib and want to nurse happy.
Plus, I can see that my daughter TRUST me that I’m there even tho I’m not in her room and she feels safe in her own bed. Even though we don’t co-sleep anymore (many nights I miss her- I almost want to go to her room to sleep) but I know we are connected and have trust and in this way, I feel very at peace. 

We are so grateful for Batelle team now and forever:)
13 April 2023 20:03
Best money you will ever spend as a parent. Hands down - this method works. Our kid is almost 2 (we did sleep school at 6mos) and he still sleeps 12 hours at night.
31 March 2023 13:00
This is the best thing we’ve ever done for our son. I only wish we would have done it sooner. Our son is 18 months and he just had such a hard time waking up during the night at least twice and needing a bottle. It became so difficult for me and my partner to feel like we had any sleep- we were tired all the time. From the first consultation meeting, we knew we wanted to do the Batelle method- we didn’t want to let him cry it out. Our consultant was so knowledgeable and kind and understanding. Everyone we’ve interacted with has been non judgmental and kind. It is made the biggest difference in feeling like we are all a team rather than just a person we hired. I felt supported 100% of the time. Now that we’ve finished the program, I am a bit sad. Batelle feels like friends- or part of our family. I hope they all know what a difference they’ve made in all our lives. My son now sleeps through the night, doesn't require a binkie, and no longer needs to eat overnight. Most of all- I feel more confident as a mother to put my son to bed alone and without my partner. I have always felt like I couldn't handle things on my own until now.
14 March 2023 23:08
I was very unsure of this program, but like any sleep deprived parent I knew something Had to change. I was hesitant as it’s expensive, but we are two months in and I’m impressed. My daughter was just about to be 5 months. She would only contact nap in a carrier or in our bed. She would literally cry or scream every 30 mins to be rocked and nursed in a recliner at night. Since remaining consistent with Batelle’s, she does every nap on her own in her own crib and we do only one feed in the night - she still struggles sometimes with we kidn herself up but we have gotten to a place where we now can manage it and she actually squirms in my arms sometimes to get back to her crib. I thought I was crazy for buying this program as I went through the lessons now I’m humming the mantra!
26 February 2023 3:53
Our 8 month old (at the time) was having 4-5 wake ups a night and we were quite desperate so we turned to Batelle.
The support you recieve is unmatched. You can message them any time of day and someone helpful will respond quickly.
It is expensive ($1,500).
The strategies Batelle gave us are still helpful (he's 11 months old), but this simply did not work for us.
We were in the program for 2 months and he never slept through the night once. He still doesn't. We had some improvement, but the guarantee of sleeping through the night never happened, and they did give us our money back.
Batelle has worked for many families, and I don't doubt it's magic. I just think it's a little careless to guarantee anyone who gives you 1,500 that your child will sleep through the night. We're proof that this doesn't work for everyone.
One thing that was partially difficult was receiving messages from Batelle congratulating us for "graduating" and saying we'd recieve our certificate via email. As another participant pointed out, they do this so they no longer have to offer you 24 hour support. Clearly these messages were automated, but having your child up half the night and being congratulated on graduating is discouraging.

Also, the "mantra" is really really silly.
22 February 2023 3:44
Batelle and the team changed our lives for the better! They listened, supported, and respected our own process. I would 100% recommend.
22 January 2023 22:32
We had a few hiccups initially, with receiving our box with the stuff to start the program. We ended up having to move our start date out further than we wanted, but it ended up working out better for us, so we were able to overlook the mishap. Overall, we found that the program really worked for us. Within the first 3 days, he was sleeping through the night in his own bedroom. It’s definitely not cheap but considering we now get much more personal time to ourselves, that’s invaluable and made it worth it for us. We didn’t really need to reach out too much. They definitely provided a good foundation to work off of. We found some things worked better than others did. But we were able to make it work for us. For the people who said their children hated the sacks, we found that doing the exercises and games they recommended before the classes began, really helped with getting him comfortable in his sack. Overall, we’d recommend the program if you’re able to commit to the work it takes.
28 December 2022 7:19
Batelle saved our sanity as parents. Our 7 month old was sleeping terribly, not going down for sleep sometimes for 1.5 hours and then waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours to be fed back to sleep. Now he sleeps through the night which means we get to sleep too! It took some time for him to get used to the method and Batellle’s 24 hour support team were incredible, I knew I couldn’t have done it without them. Even though it was nearly 3 months ago now, I still make notes every evening of what happens just to see if there are tweaks that need to be made in case of any hurdles. Batelle support you until your child is 6 so you can reach out to them for help after the main sleep school has happened. Stick with it, it can be tough at the beginning if you’re used to always picking up or feeding your baby as soon as they wake up and fuss but it’ll be worth it. The fact I can always respond to my son was the deciding factor for me to do Batelle and I’m so grateful for that. Thank you Batelle! <3
17 December 2022 21:20
I was pretty sure this was a spam from what they were promising. Just 2 weeks to get your baby to sleep through the night. After many (17 to be exact) months of sleepiness nights, I had little options left. So, I thought why not and gave it a shot. My goodness I'm glad I did. This works folks, but this is not a magic pill and it's more of a parent training than baby sleep training. However, it will get you and your baby to sleep through the night. Yes, there will be tough nights and your baby will cry a lot initially but they eventually will sleep through the night. At least mine did and I never thought it was possible. Babies grow everyday and there will be some regression as they hit different milestones but you will adapt and so will they. Highly recommended for parents whose babies do not sleep thought the night.
13 December 2022 3:11
While the Sleep school didn't fully take for our particularly willful child (we were travelling often). Some of the issue lied with us. Battelle honored their guarantee with no problems. A great company made up of kind people.
12 December 2022 13:41
Up until 2 months ago, we dreaded bedtime… sometimes it was a one or two hour ordeal. Cooper had to nurse to sleep and then would often wake up during the “transfer”… And after Cooper went to bed, we never knew how long we had it until he woke up again. Sometimes he was only up one time during the night, but sometimes it was three or four times until we caved and just brought him to bed with us.

One night, when I was tired and frustrated, I pulled out my phone and started looking for help. There were a lot of options out there, but Batelle felt like it stood out.

After an intro call with Batelle, we took a leap.  They promised a five minute bedtime and that Cooper would sleep through the night within two weeks.  there was a money back guarantee, so what did we have to lose?

Honestly, the only thing I regret is not doing this sooner. I actually look forward to our bedtime routine and Cooper now sleeps through the night. 

I used to have a lot of mom guilt around bedtime, and not only is that now gone, but I have some “me time” back in the evenings.

I wish I would have know about Batelle sooner!
06 December 2022 16:54
We are almost a year post sleep school, and I am forever grateful to the entire Batelle team. My daughter now happily crawls into bed and tries to tuck herself in, sleeps basically 12 hours and if she wakes up before it's time to get out of bed, she will happily lay there and play until it's time. There's a lot of regrets we have as parents but this decision will not be one of them!
01 December 2022 23:02
Wonderful team that provides the training and support to get your little one to sleep. They literally saved our lives!
10 November 2022 0:55
I was at my wits ends. Complete torture waking up every 2-3 hours at night for 10 months! I was willing to do anything (except the cry it out method). At 2am, already on the 3rd wake up of the night, I was desperate for answers. I Googled “gentle sleep training method” and Batelle popped right up. I read about them and couldn’t believe it. I thought, “Is this too good to be true? Money back guarantee? What was there to lose? ! ” Nothing except more hours of no sleep for our family! We pulled the trigger and within days we were already on the onboarding progress. I was so hopeful, excited, nervous and praying this would work! The first few days were NOT easy! It was actually the worst it ever was! But then by the third day, magic happened. And with every passing day, the wake ups got less and less. I couldn’t believe it was actually working! Batelle is the best thing that ever happened to us! But you have to be able to be in the work in order to see results! You need to be dedicated and motivated to change. If you are not willing to put in the work, this method is not for you. But the reward is sooo beyond worth it! Hard work truly paid off! I wake up every morning still in shock my baby slept through the night. It’s life changing! I can’t say enough amazing things about the company, program, staff and everything in between. The staff of Batelle truly cares about your little one and your family. Each and every one of the staff is so kind and caring and genuinely wants to see you succeed. I wish I found them earlier so I didn’t have to go through 10 months of sleepless torturous nights!
22 October 2022 22:51
The best investment that any parent can do to have peaceful nights and to allow babies and toddlers to enjoy the same! Thank you thank you thank you Batelle family! We love to have been part of your sleep school program and we love the fact our 17 months old baby, goes to sleep every night trusting herself, with the sensation of beeing saved, loved and backed up when she needs. Love it!
01 October 2022 0:19
Batelle sleep school has been absolutely amazing. My daughter is 17 months old and would not sleep through the night. We tried everything and nothing worked except for sleep school. Now we are all well rested and so much happier! I would recommend sleep school to anyone struggling to get their little ones to sleep.
20 September 2022 17:17
We tried this for 5 months and gave up!
I desperately wanted to love this company - I thoroughly appreciated each and every one of the trainers. I was ready to become one myself and wanted to scream out to the world I FINALLY found an answer with baby #3! The trainers were extremely supportive and loving, at first. However, I strongly want to advise parents out there that this method doesn’t necessarily work for all babies, and I wish they could modify that and not have a one-size fits all approach.

There is a LOT of crying, but you end up convincing yourself it’s not full out extinction (CIO) because you’re with the child. We started at 5.5 months with some gentler techniques to ease him into the official school at 6 months. Within 2-3 weeks, he was doing great (though not sleeping/staying in bed for 12 hrs) and got the hang of 5 min bedtime routines and going to sleep on his own. But every regression, illness, travel, etc took us waaay back and it was hard hearing him cry over and over and over again. Standing next to his crib constantly singing and brushing him got excessively exhausting, and he started to get really irritated with the touching as well. We tried for FIVE months, but we were kept rushing through the steps to be considered a ‘graduate’, which is when the 24/hr support stops. Suddenly, no one was responding for days and I was left distraught. I can’t even begin to explain how desperate I was- I was crying, screaming, and begged them for a response because I was losing it and got no response for days.

The CFO (or COO?) and some other trainers reached out to me and mention Miss Meghan, the one who developed this method, had left the company and so everyone was a bit lost. I understand- it’s a startup company and changes happen. But the thing is- my baby and I suffered as a result. Someone should’ve still been with us through it- or told us what was going on. You can’t just ghost a parent when they’re that invested, sleep deprived and just plain out going crazy with a crying baby on their hands! Most importantly, the method needed to be tweaked. Not every baby sleeps 12 hrs. Not every baby is patient enough to stay awake in bed “quietly” for 1-2 hrs. Not ever baby naps more than 1 hr. And it’s not ok to keep them crying for months on end expecting one day, they’ll just learn. They don’t learn - they just give up. Which is exactly what CIO is- the child just gives up and that’s not what I wanted. If I did, I wouldn’t pay this much money and time for the school!

Anyway, I got my money back and I truly appreciated that. We left with some good techniques though which are still useful.

Do I think it’s worth it despite all this? If Miss Meghan was still on board, yes- because if after 2 weeks it doesn’t, you can get your money back- and that’s a win win because you still walk away with some great knowledge. Now with the new team? Im not sure because I didn’t have a great experience right after the transition, but it may have changed.
09 September 2022 12:08
I want to thank Batelle Sleep School for all of the care and support they have shown my girls both during and after sleep school. I am so proud of the sleep success my girls have had and even when there are bumps on the road, I always know I can reach out and have a support system to guide me. I would highly recommend Batelle for anyone who is looking for help getting their littles to sleep! ️
07 September 2022 20:02
Batelle was the best decision we ever made for our toddler’s sleep, and our sanity! Our son was almost 3 years old when we enrolled him in sleep school. I was so skeptical because every other method we attempted was a huge fail. I’m so grateful that we took the leap of faith, because Batelle gave us a happier home. And the price was worth EVERY single penny.
One year later, and my son is still a fantastic sleeper and is so equipped to be alone in his room and sleep/relax unassisted! Thank you Batelle for everything you do ️
02 September 2022 5:53
I am absolutely blown away at home much improvement we have seen with our 2 year olds sleep. He used to nurse and wake all night long. 5 days in and he goes to bed under 5 minutes and sleeps all night. The sleep guides have been so wonderful and helped so much every step of the way. My only regret is not doing this a year ago. Thank you Batelle for giving us our life back!
26 August 2022 14:21
I could go on and on about what a change Sleep School has made in my life, even though we’re just about a week in, but I’ll keep it brief. In amazement after my 10-month old laid down on his own to sleep with minimal effort and no physical soothing on my part, I texted my husband last night from the floor of my baby’s room to tell him that Batelle was the best money we’ve ever spent?
10 August 2022 14:02
Our baby hit some serious regression at 4 months. He started waking up twice at night for a feeding and in the morning would wake up at random hours. I was tired and in the verge of depression (lack of sleep is no joke, as we all know). I did not want to try any method that made my baby anxious or left him crying for hours, it just didn’t feel right. The struggle was real, until the day my husband found Batelle.
There is so much good stuff I can say about the program, but here are the 3 things I love the most:
1. Throughout the entire process I am continuously building a foundation of TRUST with my baby. Which positively translates into other areas of our relationship.
2. There are specific steps to follow. And the team is a text away if we need them.
3. The progress is measurable and if there are any setbacks there is a clear solution.

This is not an easy process by any means, but it is worth it. AND all the work you put into it definitely pays off.

Today is our last day with the program (we started 2 weeks ago) and it takes our baby 5 minutes to fall asleep and he no longer wakes up for night feeds Cheers to 12 hours of sleep! Thanks Batelle team!

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